Health & Fitness, Fitness: workout to stay healthy

How do you make room for sport and fitness in your plans?

Sometimes, between a demanding job and a busy family life, it is not always easy to find time for sport and fitness. Here’s how you can integrate fitness into your plans with some quick exercises that can be easily done at home, or perhaps at the office.

6 ways to better organise yourself to do exercises

Even if you have a busy weekly schedule, it is always possible to adjust your timetable a little to make room for quick exercises:

  • Start by making your training a priority: it’s the first step to integrating it into your schedule.
  • In order to find slots for exercise, reduce the time spent on less important activities: for example, time spent in front of screens.
  • Include time slots dedicated to exercise in your schedule.
  • Split your training: if incorporating 1 30-minute sports session into your schedule is too complex, opt for 2 15-minute sessions.
  • Get up 30 minutes earlier in the morning to add exercise sessions to your weekly schedule.
  • Reduce the constraints that prevent you from taking up sport as much as possible: travel time to a gym, outdoor sports in winter, team sports that require several people that force you to work out at times that do not always suit you…

Optimise your exercise schedule by training at home

Playing sports at home is the ideal way to reconcile a busy schedule with sporting activities:

  • No commuting is necessary to practice your sports activity.
  • You are close to your family and can do exercise in very comfortable conditions – shower, snack, rest area – everything is at your disposal on site.
  • You can split your training as you wish: 5 to 10 minutes of exercise are easy to introduce into your daily routine, for example while waiting for the end of a washing programme, while you watch your favourite TV show, while cooking a meal…

Many sports activities are suitable for exercising at home :

  • Fitness includes a wide range of activities accessible to all, from stretching to cardio, including rhythmic and dynamic gymnastic exercises.
  • A training circuit consisting of a sequence of several series of muscle strengthening exercises which are simple to do without any equipment.
  • HIIT is ideal for burning calories during short, very intense sessions: thanks to the afterburn effect, you burn calories even after training.
  • Yoga is great for relaxation, breathing and flexibility. This very gentle activity can be practised at any age: all you need is a mat.
  • Etc.

Our tips for exercising without looking like you are

Do you still find it difficult to plan a real training schedule with well-established sessions? Other tips will allow you to get more out of your body without even thinking about it, by integrating exercises into your daily activities.

Change your habits to integrate more physical activity into your daily routine

Throughout the day, even if you don’t have much time, you can make more room for physical activity through easy to adopt habits that will quickly become automatic:

  • Take the stairs instead of the lifts or escalators.
  • Walk more dynamically, taking care to breathe deeply.
  • Do your household chores to music in order to expend more energy and enjoy them more: fun and efficiency guaranteed.
  • Do cardio or muscle-building exercises at work while sitting at your desk: check out our article on this subject for ideas of discreet and effective exercises to do in the office.

Make your journeys more efficient by turning them into workouts

When travelling, you can make your journeys more efficient by choosing cycling, running or walking over driving. Get out of the train or tube one stop early, modify your trips a little by including stairs, slopes and varied routes, which will add a fun dimension to your day’s journeys. Using a virtual coaching app, you’ll find dozens of easy-to-do outdoor exercises and quick exercises to spice up your journeys. Challenge yourself by wearing a connected watch to measure the number of steps or strides you take during the day.

Check out our Health & Fitness page for more advice.