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Home fitness: resuming exercise after the lockdown

Following the lockdown, many people’s habits have changed: some have taken the opportunity to take up sport, others wish to resume a physical activity to compensate for this period of sedentary life. Physical exercise is, more than ever, at the heart of all concerns. Thanks to home fitness, rediscover the pleasure of sport in complete safety at home.

Covid 19: a new relationship with physical activity


The lockdown has shaken up the sporting practises, in the UK and everywhere in the world. Although physical activity was authorised as an exception to the lockdown measures, it was subject to numerous restrictions because of the health conditions associated with Covid 19. People were rarely outside due to the regulations, and sport became an activity to be practised solo and in respect of social distancing to avoid the spread of the virus.

During the lockdown, many people saw their physical activity decrease: with the limitations on travelling and teleworking for some, daily energy expenditure was considerably reduced during this period of several weeks. As the lockdown comes to a close, many people share the desire to resume regular sport, owing to its effects on health, but also on stress, morale and physical condition. 

Resuming exercise to regain fitness and wellbeing

A real stress-buster, exercise is seen as a breath of fresh air to decompress after this anxiety-provoking period. By recreating a routine where physical activity has its whole place, take advantage of the benefits of physical exercise, on your health as well as your morale. 

A return to normal: establishing new habits

A few weeks after the lockdown, the usual routine of life is returning bit by bit. Take advantage of this period of transition to integrate exercise in your schedule.

Include fitness in your health routine


The NHS encourages everyone to resume a sporting activity, which is considered beneficial for health. After this long period of lockdown, simply make sure to resume exercise slowly, in order to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. The best way to establish good habits is to make a ritual of your sport session, starting with some short, but regular sessions multiple times a week. Create a routine that suits you by repeating some precise actions in each session, in the same order: change outfit, prepare a bottle of water or a snack, set up the equipment, start up your playlist dedicated to fitness… Repeating the same simple gestures before each training allows you to put the body in condition and helps in staying motivated. Moreover, a number of athletes of high levels have their own rituals. You will quickly get a taste of these wellbeing appointments! 

Outside of your house, the measures of social distancing are always de rigueur, even if some parks are once again open to the public, with strict social distancing guidelines to be respected for the health of all. 

Home fitness: your post-lockdown ally

You wish to resume exercise after lockdown, but the current situation makes it difficult to relax and get down to it? Between social distancing and strict sanitary measures, the friendliness of sports halls is not at its best level. Have you thought about doing some exercise at home

Exercise re-invented in the public space

Whether it’s about practising outdoor running, training in a park or swimming in the swimming pool, sporting practises in the public spaces are still strongly affected by the sanitary measures against Covid 19. Some team or contact sports are not yet possible under the current conditions. To rediscover the pleasure of sport and profit off its relaxing effects, your house or apartment is an ideal environment, where you can train in full confidence at the pace you wish. 

Sport at home: enjoyment and serenity guaranteed

By setting up a space appointed for fitness in a bedroom or living room, you can do sports easily, at the moment you wish to, with your proper equipment. By opting for a top-of-the-range home fitness equipment, you can start exercising again with the guidance of the best virtual fitness coaches, and escape to wherever you want on the planet, thanks to immersive video programs. Live the life, breathe and regain control over your fitness and your health thanks to home fitness! 

Check out our Health & Fitness page for more advice.