Workout at home, Fitness & Training

9 Reasons to Train Indoors Instead of Outdoors

The question often arises when investing in home fitness equipment: why choose to train indoors rather than joining a gym or running around outside? Here are 9 good reasons to get equipped and start training at your own pace at home. Besides, who said that indoor and outdoor sports were mutually exclusive?

Total Freedom: No Constraints or Excuses!

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Regular training is the key to success in any athletic discipline. To enjoy yourself and achieve your goals, several sessions a week are a good basis for training. But with a busy schedule and sometimes unpredictable weather conditions, it’s not always easy to be consistent with your training if you’re exercising and training outdoors all year round. Opting for home fitness gives you total freedom and removes most of the obstacles that could slow down your progress:

  • Day or night, even outside the parks’ opening hours, your fitness equipment is waiting for you at home. Organise your training schedule at your own pace and save time in your day.
  • Working out outdoors requires more willpower, especially on rainy or windy days or when it’s dark. With no more long warm-up sessions in winter and no more stiff limbs in the cold, your athletic performance will also improve.
  • By training at home, you no longer have to worry about getting injured or not being seen by motorists. With equipment designed to cushion impacts and ensure good ankle stability, you can focus on your sessions in the comfort of your living room.

A Variety of Training Options and a Thorough Follow-Up

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On a technical level, training indoors is also an asset to help improve performance and progress quickly:

  • Running, rowing or cycling indoors means that you can control every parameter of your training: you are not subject to the unevenness of the ground or to variations in the wind resistance, for example. It’s simple: at each session, you decide on the incline, the difficulty and the distance to be covered. No pauses at traffic lights, no interruptions or obstacles to overcome. You are always focused and without distraction.
  • The tracking of your performance is more stable from one week to the next. With advanced tracking tools, fitness equipment records your routes, calories burned, heart rate, etc. There is nothing like it to keep you motivated, make the right decisions and adjust your programme according to your progress and your goals.
  • The number of routes available to you is limited if you train outside near your home: you may often follow the same route due to lack of time.
  • With home fitness equipment, you can do an uphill running session on Monday, a HIIT workout in the gym on Wednesday, and then a targeted abs circuit on your yoga mat on Friday. This doesn’t stop you from enjoying the sunshine with an outdoor run on the weekend either!

Escape Whenever You Want Without Leaving Your Home!

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With NordicTrack fitness equipment compatible with iFit® coaching solutions, forget everything you thought you knew about indoor fitness training:

  • The new generation of fitness equipment offers an immersive, outdoor-like experience. What circuit would you do if you had the whole world to choose from? Set your desired route on Google Maps®, and the incline and resistance of your equipment will adapt to the route in real-time!
  • Don’t feel like going out tonight or not up for running? Walk on your treadmill following the advice of your fitness trainer during a low-intensity session and open up to new approaches to physical activity and health: what is the link between body and brain, how to eat healthier, etc. Or cheer yourself up with Comedy Walking Tours and get some exercise anyway. More than just exercising, you’re doing yourself good and following your desires: whatever your state of mind, you’ll find your session of the day!
  • Would you like to get away from it all? Instead of running around your neighbourhood, conquer Alaska or visit a national park in Africa surrounded by wild animals! With iFit® compatible equipment, each session is a new adventure that can be shared with your family using an iFit® Family multi-account subscription.

Check out our Fitness & Training page for more advice.