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9 (Plus) Breakfast Ideas to Start Your Day in the Best Way

With these 9 ideas for breakfasts that are both appetising and out of the ordinary, you’ll be ready to start your day, whatever your schedule! Choose from these time-saving tips, energy menus and breakfasts of champions, and enjoy!

Time-Saving Tips: 3 Quick Breakfast Ideas

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Objectif-gain-de-temps-3-idées-de-petits-déjeuners-rapides-1024x768.jpg.

A balanced breakfast consists of a hot drink, a portion of fruit, a dairy product (or a vegetable substitute) and carbohydrates. Here are 3 all-in-one breakfast ideas to save time in the morning:

  • Milkshake: put together seasonal fruit, a dairy or plant-based milk drink, cereal, crushed seeds and dried fruit, a little honey, blend, and you’ve got yourself a quick and indulgent breakfast drink. The quickest? Banana, coconut milk and oatmeal.
  • Cold-infused chia pudding: if you’re short on time in the morning, this is the breakfast for you! The night before, mix chia seeds and sugar (or honey if you prefer) into almond milk. Leave in the fridge overnight. In the morning, your breakfast is ready. All you have to do is add some fresh fruit or berries and crushed nuts to your pudding and enjoy!
  • Homemade granola: give yourself every chance to eat well in the morning by making homemade granola at the weekend. This mixture has a long shelf life, and you can add a handful into your compotes, yoghurt or smoothies to make a complete breakfast. Here’s a recipe to inspire you:
  • Mix honey and a pinch of salt in vegetable oil.
  • Separately, mix oatmeal and crushed almonds.
  • Add beaten egg whites and oil.
  • Bake the mixture for 35 minutes at 150°C.
  • Let your granola cool and personalise it with cranberries (or other dried fruit), dark chocolate chips, coconut, etc.

Energy Tips: 3 Ideas for Breakfast Before a Busy Day

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Objectif-énergie-3-inspirations-petits-déjeuners-avant-une-journée-chargée.jpeg.

The thing about busy days is that every minute counts! But you need energy to get going.

With these 3 complete breakfast ideas, you can either get much-needed energy or stave off hunger pangs for several hours before your next meal:

  • Porridge: easy to prepare and nutritious, porridge is a mixture of oatmeal and water boiled for about ten minutes. At the end of cooking, add a little agave syrup or honey. Leave to cool, then add fruit (fresh or dried) and seeds to customise your porridge, simple as that!
  • An easy classic, toast can be made in endless variations, both sweet and savoury. As a base, you can use mashed avocados, hard-boiled eggs, fresh cheese, banana, almond puree, peanut butter, etc. Then choose a topping, and you’re good to go: cherry tomatoes, coriander or rocket for savoury, or strawberries, brazil nuts, berries or fruit quarters for sweet.
  • To fill up on energy, consider scrambled eggs, which can be customised with seasonal raw vegetables, cubes of cheese, fresh herbs, etc. With wholemeal bread and fruit juice, you should be able to hold out for a few hours before you feel hungry!

Muscle Building Tips: 3 Protein-Based Breakfasts for Athletes

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Objectif-muscles-3-petits-déjeuners-protéinés-pour-les-sportifs.jpeg.

Protein is essential for athletes, so why not include it in your first meal of the day? Here are some ideas for protein-packed breakfasts, perfect for recovery, building muscle or for burning calories:

  • Greek yoghurt, oatmeal and fruit bowl of your choice: Greek yoghurt is low in calories and high in protein. Oats are a source of fibre, fill you up quickly and have a low glycaemic index.
  • Quinoa with fruit and homemade granola: quinoa is a high-quality source of plant protein, ideal for a vegetarian diet.
  • Protein pancakes: with oatmeal powder, plant-based milk substitute and eggs (more whites than yolks if you want to limit the fat), you have the basis for delicious protein pancakes topped with fruit for vitamins.

Find 30 more protein-packed breakfast recipes by following the #BoostYourBreakfast challenge on the iFit® blog!

Bonus: If you’re hungry as soon as you wake up or you’re about to embark on a long event (hiking, running, trail running, etc.), take cereal bars or energy balls, which are healthy homemade snacks full of energy, for something to tide you over.

Check out our Health & Fitness page for more advice.