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10 positive quotations to help you stay motivated

To dare to take the plunge, keep your motivation and persevere in all circumstances, nothing beats taking a step back. Be inspired by 10 positive quotations, that will help you face any kind of situation with a smile. We will also give you some tips to help you stay motivated no matter what.

Positive quotes to get you going

A beautiful girl and her well-built boyfriend are greeting each other with a high-five. They are happy to see each othr in the gym. Young people are ready to start their workout

It is not always easy to gain confidence and get started with what you need to do to achieve your objectives. Whether it is about taking up new habits to get in shape, improving your performance or increasing your productivity, putting in place a good level of preparation and being clear about your goals should help you to throw yourself into them.

Our advice for getting started with a project

To really get started with a project, here are some tips:

  • Make sure you have a workable project that you have studied beforehand: List your objectives, number the steps to be carried out and find a solution to each blockage that seems to be holding back your progress.
  • The support of your friends and your family is something you should treasure: Tell your loved ones about your projects, their support will give you wings!
  • Sometimes, the difficulty in starting a project is due to a fear of failing at it: By agreeing to make concessions and not enjoy success right away, you can take a more flexible position that will help you put things into perspective. Whatever happens, with a positive mindset, you will be able to adapt and make the most of every situation!

Once you take the first step, you may well be surprised by what you can accomplish!

Here are some inspiring quotes to help you dare to start

“They didn’t know it was impossible, so they did it.” Marc Twain, American writer and humorist.

“Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.” Bo Jackson, professional athlete, baseball player and American football player.

“More is lost by indecision than wrong decision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity. It will steal you blind.”  Marcus Tullius Cicero, or Cicero, politician, lawyer and writer under the Roman Empire

How do you persevere and gain confidence?

Funny happy dark skinned woman raises hand with dumbbell, shows biceps, holds rolled fitness mat, smiles broadly, wears pink casual vest, isolated over purple background. Fitness training at home

Once a project is underway, completing the process requires perseverance: The path is not always predictable. These few tips and quotes should help you stay the course.

Our advice to bring your projects to a successful conclusion

Here are a few tips to make your projects a success:

  • Remember this quote from Walt Disney: “To achieve something truly extraordinary, start by dreaming it. Then wake up calmly and go through with your dream without ever being discouraged.” The creator of the Disney universe knows what he is talking about, the man who approached more than 100 banks before obtaining the finance needed to realise his dream.
  • Take stock regularly: Realising how far you have come is very motivational and encourages you to continue your efforts.
  • Accept setbacks, try to view them as opportunities to make a fresh start towards your final goal.
  • Break down your objectives into stages: You will see your progress more easily this way and your path will be marked by small victories.
  • Work on your self-confidence: Even during the most difficult times, if you are convinced of your ability to succeed, nothing can stop you!

Quotations that will help you persevere and gain greater confidence

“Courage is like a muscle. We strengthen it with use.” Ruth Gordon, American actress and screenwriter.

“Always act like it is impossible to fail.” Winston Churchill, British statesman.

“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.” Samuel Johnson, British author and literary critic.

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” Earl Nightingale, American radio author and lecturer.

Our advice to cope better with difficulties

In order to avoid demotivating yourself, keep in mind that:

  • Everything passes, nothing or almost nothing is final.
  • The problems you will encounter are all opportunities for making progress.
  • Running away from all difficulties is not the best way to achieve happiness.
  • There are almost always solutions, even if they are not immediately obvious.
  • Sometimes, thinking about something other than the issue you are concerned with can help you find a solution for it.

Quotations to put things into perspective at the most difficult of times

“A difficulty is no longer one from the moment you smile and confront it.” Robert Baden Powell, soldier and founder of the scouting movement.

“If there is no struggle, then there is no progress.” Frederick Douglass, orator, born a slave and an important figure in the abolitionist movement in the United States.

“The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill, British statesman.

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