
Man exercising with dumbbell following iFit trainer on the vault

The Complete iFIT-
Connected Home Gym

Technology Meets Training

Open Extraordinary

Open the door and discover Vault, a premier home gym that intimately pairs iFIT interactive training with innovative reflective technology.

Real-Time Reactions

Reflective Training

Vault’s crisp 60” oversized mirror provides immediate visual feedback, allowing you to match the form of your iFIT* trainer for a better workout.

Follow The Pros Person's Icon

Follow The Pros

Integrated Interactive Touch Icon

Integrated Interactive Touch

One Fitness Studio

Immense iFIT Workouts

Vault not only stores custom training accessories but also a wide variety of iFIT* workouts such as strength training, HIIT, and yoga. And they’re all led by iFIT trainers on the 32” Smart HD Touchscreen.

iFIT Personal Training

A Fleet of the Elite

Vault opens the door to the expertise of iFIT’s* world-class trainers as they greet you before every workout on the integrated touchscreen and allow you to mirror their form using the intuitive reflective training.

Endless Training Styles Icon

Numerous Training Styles

Mirror Proper Form Icon

Mirror Proper Form

Endless training styles icon

Numerous training styles

Mirror Proper Form Icon

Mirror Proper Form


At the Touch of a Finger

Reflection & Interaction

Behind the 60” mirror lies more than 400 square inches of touchscreen. Now navigating the iFIT* library, choosing workouts, and accessing reflective training are at your fingertips.

Form & Function

Go Inside the Vault

Access innovative workout tech and all the benefits of a complete home gym with Vault’s compact freestanding storage system and iFIT* interface engine. Working out has never been so convenient or inspiring.6


High-Quality & Convenience

Accessorize Your Exercise

With premium dumbbells, kettlebells, yoga, pilates, and strength training accessories, Vault is the total package, while Vault Vertical Storage further defines efficient use of space.

Strength Accessories Icon

Strength Accessories

Yoga, Pilates, and Recovery Icon

Yoga, Pilates, and Recovery

Infinite Perspective

See Yourself in a New Light

Whether you're squatting, saluting the sun, or busting out a set of high knees, with the rotating mirror on Vault you always have the perfect view of your iFIT* trainer to keep your form in check.

360° Rotation

360° Rotation

60° Reflective Mirror

60" Reflective Mirror

Functional Home Fitness

Keep Your Space Your Way

Vault is an exceptional machine that’s smaller than a bookshelf and its vertical storage allows you to keep your space organized the way you like it.

Vault Vertical Storage Icon Vault Vertical Storage Icon

Vault Vertical Storage

Carbon Steel Frame Icon Carbon Steel Frame Icon

Carbon Steel Frame

Simple Elegance

Distinguished Design

Sleek and elegant, Vault has been designed to not only blend into your home but add to the decor. Turn any room into a complete home gym, complete with iFIT* personal training, that complements your aesthetic.

Start Your Fitness Journey Today

Select the Model That’s Right for You.

ifit logo1 year iFIT Family Membership included (Value £408)


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Strength, HIIT & Weight Training | Home Gym Equipment

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